Knock Me Out

Thoughts, ideas, and discussion about Knockout.js

devLink 2013 - Knockout.js Tips and Tricks

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Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend devLink in Chattanooga, Tennessee for the first time. I had the chance to see many of my appendTo co-workers in person and meet a number of other folks that I had only corresponded with on-line. I attended many great sessions and overall felt that it was a great experience.

I presented a session on Knockout tips and tricks. These were some things that I felt would be useful to a developer after they have the basics of Knockout done. The session included these ten rounds of tips:

  1. Dynamic Templating
  2. Controlling “this”
  3. Throttling
  4. Subscriptions
  5. Custom Bindings
  6. Extensions
  7. Computed options
  8. Binding Providers
  9. Debugging Tips
  10. Code Smells

For this type of talk with lots of live coding, it is challenging to share the slides. So, I recorded a screencast of the presentation. Click here to watch in HD or to download it.

devLink 2013 - KnockoutJS Tips and Tricks - Ryan Niemeyer

I am definitely hoping to return to devLink next year and would be happy to hear any feedback or questions about this presentation. Photo by @jcreamer898.
