Knock Me Out

Thoughts, ideas, and discussion about Knockout.js

Extending Knockout.js Session From ThatConference

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I had a wonderful time at ThatConference this week. It was really special to be in a place with so many people that are passionate about the same types of things that I am. I also had the pleasure of giving a talk about Knockout. The session mainly focused on the various extensibility points in Knockout. After reviewing some Knockout basics, I discussed extending observables, creating custom bindings, and the idea of binding providers.

For the presentation, I knew that I wanted to show a lot of code, but I was not too excited about continually flipping between a slide show, an IDE, and a browser. So, I decided to create a slideshow from scratch with Knockout that let me combine all three pieces into a single page app. It was quite a bit of work, but it was a fun experience overall.

Here is a screencast of the presentation:

Extending Knockout.js - 08/14/2012 - ThatConference

For creating the presentation app, I used these libraries:

Here is a repository with a heavily stripped down version of the app that I created for this presentation

The binding provider sample implementation is also available here

I would love to hear any feedback on the presentation. Also, I was thinking about the possibility of recording some short (< 10 minutes) screencasts on various Knockout topics. Would there be any interest in something like that?
